Desk Bike
Exercise bikes assist in maintaining a healthy routine, increase productivity and make for a creative work environment.
The laptop bikes are innovative and ideal for home and office use, with a friendly and ergonomic design that includes a work surface with an adjustable height. They are easy to operate, use a small footprint and allow for a variety of activities such as: working on a laptop, reading a book, using a tablet or a smartphone.
You can choose from a variety of products, from a pedal seat to an integral system of sit-stand desk and an exercise bike.
- For more Information, contact Kobi Shrem
- 050-7257281
Desk Bike
Exercise bikes assist in maintaining a healthy routine, increase productivity and make for a creative work environment.
The laptop bikes are innovative and ideal for home and office use, with a friendly and ergonomic design that includes a work surface with an adjustable height. They are easy to operate, use a small footprint and allow for a variety of activities such as: working on a laptop, reading a book, using a tablet or a smartphone.
You can choose from a variety of products, from a pedal seat to an integral system of sit-stand desk and an exercise bike.
For more Information,
contact Kobi Shrem - 050-7257281